♥ Mind
A lot is to be said about the power of positive thinking. We have all experienced it in big or small ways - but most days, with the overwhelming bad news bombarding us left right and center and the behavior of our fellow humans (I am recalling commuter hell) - it is hard to remain positive.
It's a matter of awareness, focus and believe - but most of all self-motivation and persistence.
I have over many years practiced positive affirmations in combination with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and have developed a course/workshops to help people tap into their self-heal potential.
These workshops have now their own portal: http://www.journaling4freedom.com
If you would like to try it out, here are some positive Affirmations right now :) Enjoy and as with everything, practice makes perfect :)
♡ Try this neat online tool >>
Shuffle the Positive Affirmations cards :)
♡ And here some of my book tips:
1) It's the thought that counts - Dr. David Hamilton
2) I can do it (how to use affirmations) - Louise Hay
3) The Power of Positive thinking
Welcome to a new portal of 360 degree of Wellness RELAX - BREATH - ENJOY - BE INSPIRED
1 Jun 2010
25 May 2010
Optimum body-mind wellness > GO ALKALINE
♥ Body ♥ Mind
Do you feel irritable, bloated, depressed, can't loose weight, are lacking energy and have allergies and nagging little aches and pains? It might all be a sign that your body is too acidic.
I bet enough of us have been on all sorts of diets - with more or less success. But here is an approach that first and foremost tackles the body-chemistry issue of our 'over-acidic' society - and you can see the pounds drop & your mood lift, if you start 'ALKALISING' your daily food intake.
Here's the gist: WHY ALKALINE??
Our body is designed to stay alkaline and will do whatever it takes to do this. When we consume acidic foods and drinks, stop exercising and continually have negative emotions our body is overrun with acids and this causes major disruption and can lead to dis-ease and a messed up body-chemistry even encouraging cancer growth.
Unsurprisingly the acid foods are the ones you already know are bad for you (cola, chips, chocolate, sweets, burgers, dairy) and the alkaline foods are the ones you already know are good for you.
And here is a detailed ALKALINE versus ACIDIC FOOD CHART - start today :)
To rebalance your body's alkaline state, you simply need to encourage a 70-80% of your diet of alkaline foods and try to limit acidic foods. Back this up with at least 3 litres of good quality, clean, alkaline water each day (and no, that isn't tap water) and you will soon start to feel fantastic and those pounds will drop!
NOTE: Sugar & artificial sweeteners turn everything acidic!!! So check those veggie and pre-packed fruit juices. Best is fresh and self made
I invested in a good quality juicer and blender and pretty much have juices and smoooothies daily, I also buy only organic :)
I have tried this myself and continue for years now on a mainly alkaline daily regime - my results were pretty drastic - I was never overweight, but I still dropped 1/2 stone (of toxins and unhealthy fats) , my cellulite went almost completely after a full alkaline detox and my stress levels went way down, I feel more energised and have no head-aches, pains or niggles.
But if I am 'weak' (oh mea culpa) and start eating more sweets and acidic foods again - then I immediately notice a downturn of my health and mood, skin etc. after a few days.
So for me alkaline is the solution.
Why not try it out and let me know your progress??
Always love to hear from you!
Be well ♥
And to conclude, an interesting article on the DANGERS OF ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS - a MUST read !!!
A low-down on meaty dangers (NOT only for animal lovers)
♥ Body
Humans are 'Not Designed' to eat meat -
Humans are 'Not Designed' to eat meat -
Sure you heard the saying: “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT (and assimilate!)”
Take a moment and go through the things you stuff in your body day, after day, after day, month after month, year after year.
The human metabolism is not made for being on a mainly carnivore diet! Just because you can digest animals does not mean you are supposed to or it's good for you.
You can digest cardboard and eat your newspaper - that does not mean you should eat it.
You can digest cardboard and eat your newspaper - that does not mean you should eat it.
Renowned Cardiologist William C. Roberts from the cattle state of Texas, says this without hesitation: "Humans aren’t physiologically designed to eat meat. I think the evidence is pretty clear. If you look at various characteristics of carnivores versus herbivores, it doesn’t take a genius to see where humans line up."
Those who eat flesh are far more likely to contract cancer, allergies and diseases than those following a vegetarian diet and that's a fact proven 100 times over these days.
MORE FACTS that might make you woozy (please sit down)
The risk of fatal ovarian cancer is three times greater for women who eat eggs (3 or more times a week) as compared to those only 1 egg per week (that goes of course also for all products having egg in it). Chicken from commercial farms are fed and stuffed with hormones that can harm a womans' & mans'natural body-chemistry seriously!
Ingested flatworm or tapeworm danger (often found in meat). Yummi!! The little larva is swallowed and tries to attach itself to your intestine with its head. Then it grows longer by making segment after segment. (YES I know this is disgusting– yuck a parasite, unfortunately meat control still offers wide gaps where tiny things like that can slip in easily in your next beef or chicken fillet!
Want to see what that tape-worm looks like? - You sure? OK... MEET THE TAPEWORM
Heart attack and cancer is the most common cause of death in the UK. The male red meat-eater's risk of death from heart attack is 50%. The risk to men who eat no meat is only 15%.
ARTICLE: Death linked to too much red meat
The animals that are being raised for meat are often diseased. The livestock industry attempts to control this disease by feeding the animals ..... you guessed right ... ANTIBIOTICS. Huge quantities of drugs go for this purpose. They can not be eliminated by frying, cooking or grilling etc. - so get the full dose of them, day, after day, after day ...
Well there you go - now you know! And you don't have to be an animal lover to see the issues at hand.
But ... if you simply can't stay away from meat, then make it at least white meat & fish - and go only for organic, free-range and corn-fed :) Bon appetite !
Some interesting resources reg. meat consumption that might turn your stomach
1) The Meat Fiasco
2) The Red Meat Danger
3) Ethical issue about animal cruelty
Some interesting resources reg. meat consumption that might turn your stomach
1) The Meat Fiasco
2) The Red Meat Danger
3) Ethical issue about animal cruelty
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